
Gemstone names and their meaning

Have you ever had to ask for someone's hand ?  make a special gift or feel fascinated by the wonders that nature gives us in the form of precious stones? surely you are curious to know all their names and meanings. And it is that they are not only one of the maximum expressions of beauty for the senses, they also transmit ideas and feelings that have been associated with them since time immemorial.

Gemstone Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash

Names of precious stones and their meaning , and we also bring you a list of the names of semiprecious stones.

What is a precious stone

Precious stones or gems are minerals that form in nature and give us exquisite beauty when expertly carved. The most frequent uses of this wonder are in jewelry, as well as in the production of artistic objects.

There are many precious stones that are formed throughout our planet. But, without a doubt, the four most emblematic and valued varieties are diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires . Let's see in the following lines and in more detail each of these precious stones and their meanings.

The diamond

Its name means "invincible" or "unchangeable" and it is one of the most stable forms of carbon. But beyond its chemistry, it is one of the most precious minerals on the planet.

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Thus, the diamond is the gem par excellence . Over time, it has been synonymous with wealth, resistance, exclusivity and refinement. However, it also has its role in less glamorous settings, such as the industrial sector. It is common to find diamond in cutting and polishing tools in factories and industries in general. This use is very effective thanks to the ability to conduct heat that this beautiful stone presents.

Marketing linked to the diamond industry has turned them into symbols of love and partnership . It is no coincidence that when we think of engagement rings we think of the name of this precious stone.

Although transparent and colorless diamonds are more common, they can be found in other colors such as yellow, gray, blue, green, black or pink.

Emerald, the stone of well-being and hope

If you were born in May or you like green, this is your gem. In fact, its name means "green stone" . It is a variation of beryl and its characteristic color is due to the minerals that compose it, such as chrome and vanadium. To know if an emerald is of quality , one of the important characteristics is its transparency.

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The emerald is related to good health, well-being and hope . In ancient times, almost miraculous properties were attributed to it to cure diseases. It is also related to mental and spiritual well-being, as a symbol of hope and balance. Today, the largest producer of emeralds is Colombia.

The ruby, the secret of success

Iron and chromium give their color to this corundum called ruby, whose name means 'red' in Latin . Its value depends a lot on the intensity and uniformity of this color. They are quite tough; they represent a 9 on the Mohs scale (just after the diamond).

Photo by Victoria Priessnitz on Unsplash

Rubies are related to aspects of success and self-confidence , courage, positivity, intuition, power, vitality, etc. This is why many ancient royals and warriors believed that embedding them into their clothing, or even their skin, would bring them protection. In ancient times, in India, the ruby ​​was considered the king of gems . Today, Burma is the world's largest supplier of high-quality rubies.

The sapphire, the fourth precious stone

Sapphires are brothers to rubies; both stones are corundum . In fact, the only difference between them is the color. While the former are red, the latter may have more shades.

The most common sapphires are blue , a product of the presence of titanium in the gem. And of these, the most beautiful is that of Kashmir, due to the beautiful shades of this color that it presents.

The sapphire symbolizes sincerity, fidelity and truth in relationships, which is why you can see them in engagement rings in many jewelry stores. Currently, the largest producers of sapphire today are in Africa.

Why are there 4 names of precious stones

Although other minerals are sometimes called precious stones, the traditional and official classification indicates that only these four stones can be called precious.

There are 3 factors that determine whether or not a stone is a gem or precious stone :

  • Hardness: It is measured from 1 to 10 on a Mohs scale , named after its inventor in 1825, Friedrich Mohs. As you have seen before, diamond is the only gemstone with hardness 10.
  • Rarity: that is, how difficult it is to find and extract it.
  • Aesthetics: in the world of precious stones this has to do with aspects such as their color, transparency and shine

Semiprecious stone names

  • Agate
  • Amethyst
  • Amber
  • Aquamarine
  • Aventurine
  • Quartz
  • Topaz
  • citrus
  • Garnet
  • Jade
  • Jasper
  • lapis lazuli
  • moonstone
  • sun stone
  • Onyx
  • Tiger's Eye
  • Opal
  • Turquoise
those are the names of gemstones and their meanings, each gemstone has its own uniqueness and brings its own natural properties to those who have it. it is said that this gemstone each character is different and just like us gemstones are associated with our personality and compatibility. in other parts of the earth gemstones are attached and become a symbol of being a representative of each character of the person who wears it

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